Posts Tagged ‘animals’

Back in the woods

April 11, 2012

And straight across from me was the Deer having a wonder through the adjoining field

It was a happy sight for me considering i stumbled across 2 men laying in a barn with rifles that had telescopic sights and they both admitted shooting rabitts and squirells for fun, I told them in no uncertain terms if any harm comes to the deer they will have more than myself to deal with,as our local neighbours also take great interest and like watching the deer.

I was told today that the stragler who has been joining the 3 deer was again back in the field with them, i am wondering if he is preparing himself to mate with the mother? any ideas on this
i really should look for info on breeding for Roe Deer

Hopefully we have a buyer calling tomorrow to take 1200 Golf Balls so that will make my wife happy in the knowledge that they will be gone and out of the way so she can start organising her flower growing tend to her precious plants

Looking for coloured golf ball today

February 12, 2012

There must be 500 golf balls laying idle, but we are searching for coloured balls, we have around 4000 white balls in stock and a woman behaving like all women do…moaning as usual about Golf Balls littering the house and yard, so decided to leave the white balls alone

Field is full of white golf balls laying everywhere.

With the local course snowbound we enjoyed a nice walk all around the area

Tilly as always enjoying her freedom and always looking for her next bit of fun

No sign of the Deer today just hope they are safe and well, heard a lot of shooting in the woodlands and pray they are safe.

Spent a bit of time searching only for coloured golf balls, do you realise how hard that can be
but we managed a few after a 30 minute walk