Tilly the night worker.

Hello everyone

We thought about something different tonight,we actually went on a finding mission in the dark, armed with lights and a doggie capable of sorting out,we headed to the deepest woods on a course 47:5 miles from home, and guess what we had a brilliant time, we are now looking for night workers? not scared of the woodlands or the dark, brilliant return of golf balls all retrieved from the hedgerows and wild sidings close to the greens,amazing how tilly could find so many, i am hooked on this idea, never done this before, tilly loved it and i was over the moon,the lights we used were top spec,the course glowed like a beacon,we encountered many wildlife, tilly had a fantastic time.

Time for a rest all round, shower for me and a cup of tea, tilly so much fun, she is knackered, good night all we are back tomorrow, take  care sleep tight, tilly x

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